About Us

Why Us

Over 35 years combined experience in negotiations: This is the top reason our clients are ecstatic with our services in representing them as a buyers agent. In times like today it can be complicated to get an offer accepted while also protecting the interests of a buyer. Our team has experts who know how to position buyers so that they not only get offers accepted, but are protected and fully represented.
With over two decades of experience in home building, rehabbing and construction, our team is ready to walk you through a home. We assist you by pointing out all the key components of a home, educating you on the “How”, “Why” and “When” of home ownership. Our team is highly skilled in preparing you for the purchase of a home so that come inspection time you are not spending money to find out the basics of a house that would have prevented you from buying the home to begin with. This not only saves you money and time, but is instrumental in negotiating your offer.